Monday, September 8, 2008


As promised, this is my blog on the reasons why I am switching to bass. :O start off...VIOLIN IS TOO HARD.
My parts are hard; I am having a hard time reading the notes on every song, pretty much.
I can't get the rhythms right and Darlene back there is trying her hardest, but I still don't really get it. DX I can feel myself getting better, but I still suck.
Compared to everyone else who has private lessons, I am a very crappy freshman.
And, like, the only freshman. Almost. Maybe 1/3.. Last year was like a training year for all the new freshies and so everyone is conditioned..

I also need to learn bass clef. And the easiest way to do that without having to do much work is to take on bass. :D Seriously, they do nothing! *____* Almost..

Err....automatic honors credits = <333 *____* SERIOUSLYY. My counselor is a bitch and transfers get lowest priority, so, like, I have to retake Algebra 1P and also they didn't put me in honors English 'cause it was too full. DX

Anyway, moving on...

Err, seriously. It's horrible being in violin around all these talented and conditioned people.
I feel I might have less pressure if I'm just starting out. It's excuse almost. Except maybe I really wanted to play bass from the beginning.
I mean...I wanted to volunteer to switch last year, but I didn't want to give up my position. XD

Hey, who knows. Maybe I'll even become bass section leader. DX; Do basses have a section leader? D:

Also, it's good to start new and try new things. Maybe I'll like it better than violin. I won't know until I try!! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Bass! :D

Good luck~

Omg, i feel so terrible in orchestra. D: Cause everyone is all good and i like.. still cannot play the cello without stickers, so i don't know where the notes are.

And i cannot tune.


Sob. T-T