Thursday, August 20, 2009



Crappy thing is, it's only been released in this orange one year, in '04.
Sooo, I'd probably get a different Ninja model, and get a paint job.
But, I just discovered that a paint job can cost anywhere from $600-1000.

My dad said he'd get me a motorcycle after I pass my permit.
Right now, I'm in the mindset that getting into an accident can't happen to me. I shouldn't be thinking that though..
Although I strongly believe that riding a motorcycle is only dangerous if you're being stupid.

At first, I did want a Vespa, but they go a little too slow, and I wanna be able to ride on the freeway..

My current main concerns are whether the school will allow me riding and parking my bike at school, acquiring that Blazing Pearl Orange color, and whether my mom will allow it, as I haven't discussed this with her yet.

Angie brought up the point that she'll probably butt in and say it's too dangerous. I haven't even given it a thought because my dad spoils me and agreed to it. I only have one defence: the money we'll save instead of getting me a car. I'm lucky my dad likes to disagree with my mom though, so I'm hoping he'll defend my hobby/desires once again.

I've already promised so many people to take them places. I'm kinda scared about not passing the tests though, especially the vision exam since contacts don't allow you to see too far or too close...

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