Sunday, May 3, 2009


So in Algebra, Zach came in with a bouncy ball and Walcott was like, "Aren't you a little too old for those?"
Zach replied, "Your balls get bigger as you get older."

And then Tommy was just sitting there, and Walcott was like, "You could at least look over at Silvia's book to see the problems. She won't even know."
And we got on the topic of, like, borrowing stuff.
Walcott's a football coach or something so it's obviously gonna be like sport-related.
And like they started talking about the concept of borrowing sports equipment.
And Zach is all like, "You can borrow a bat, helmet, cleats, etc., but you can't borrow the cup."

Walcott was just like, "...What difference does it make [meaning that no sports equipment should be borrowed]? You're still stuck on this concept[of the balls and make genital area], aren't you?"

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